IMPORTANT: Always call the business before going to take the factory tour. We try and keep our data s up-to-date as possible but you should always check first.
Graeter?s Manufacturing Company
2555 Bethel Road,
Columbus, OH 43220
Latitude: 40.0645564 Longitude: -83.0865629
Email Address: [email protected] This is a visitor center only, no actual factory tour.
Since its founding in 1870 by Louis C. Graeter, Graeter's French Pot Ice Cream, handmade chocolate confections and fresh baked goods have become traditions in the Queen City. Today the Graeter family still faithfully uses his century old recipes and methods of production.
Graeter?s has perfected our traditional French Pot process, making the world?s finest ice cream just two gallons at a time. It?s the only way to achieve the irresistible creaminess that is Graeter?s.
Tours no longer given as production has moved to Cincinnati. You can still view old equipment at the Bethel site and watch through a window as an employee makes ice cream wheels.